Working on mulitple braches at once using git worktree
Working on multiple branches at once
Git worktree enables you to have multiple working directories linked to the same repository. Each directory can have its own branch checked out. And you can edit the code for each feature without changing or stashing the changes you did on each branch.
Worktree creation
The following command will create a new directory, debug
with branch1
checked out.
You can browse the ../debug
directory and change the code as per your development for branch1
git worktree add ../debug branch1
echo somenewfeature on branch 1 > somenewfeature
cat somenewfeature
somenewfeature on branch 1
In the meanwhile you can keep editing the root directory with the main
echo somenewfeature on main 1 > somenewfeatureonmain
cat somenewfeatureonmain
somenewfeature on main 1
You can run the git commands going inside each directory.
git add .
git status
On branch main
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
new file: somenewfeatureonmain
git add .
git status
On branch branch1
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
new file: somenewfeature
List existing worktrees
You can list your worktrees from the main
as well as the debug
git worktree list
/home/cold/Projects/Personal/gitworktreedemo/main e0ccbca [main]
/home/cold/Projects/Personal/gitworktreedemo/debug 42ad28a [branch1]
Remove a worktree
When you are finally done with the feature branch, you can delete the worktree using remove
git worktree remove ../debug
ls ..
git worktree list
/home/cold/Projects/Personal/gitworktreedemo/main e0ccbca [main]
Any commit you did on the feature branch will automatically be reflected in the main codebase.
git checkout branch1
git log --oneline
A somenewfeatureonmain
82cad2d done
42ad28a A commit on branch1
e0ccbca A commit on main
Advice on working with worktrees
As the new directory will not be ignored by default, it is best to create your worktree directories out of git root
The way I create my worktrees is I create a new directory with project name. Then I clone my actual repository inside this directory and keep my worktrees on the same level as project.
For example, my main project is cloned inside main directory and I created debug directory in the same level as main.
tree .
├── debug
│ └── somenewfeature
└── main
└── somenewfeatureonmain
2 directories, 2 files